What's New in Aggregation

Jeremy Mikola


  • State of Aggregation
  • Pipeline
  • Expressions
  • Usage and Limitations
  • Sharding
  • Looking Ahead

State of Aggregation

We're storing our data in MongoDB.

We need to do ad-hoc reporting,
grouping, common aggregations, etc.

What are we using for this?

And now for something completely different…



Pipeline Operators

  • $match
  • $project
  • $group
  • $unwind
  • $sort
  • $limit
  • $skip
  • $geoNear


Matching field values

{ title: "The Great Gatsby",
  pages: 218,
  language: "English"
{ title: "War and Peace",
  pages: 1440,
  language: "Russian"
{ title: "Atlas Shrugged",
  pages: 1088,
  language: "English"
{ $match: {
  language: "Russian"
{ title: "War and Peace",
  pages: 1440,
  language: "Russian"


Matching with query operators

{ title: "The Great Gatsby",
  pages: 218,
  language: "English"
{ title: "War and Peace",
  pages: 1440,
  language: "Russian"
{ title: "Atlas Shrugged",
  pages: 1088,
  language: "English"
{ $match: {
  pages: { $gt: 1000 }
{ title: "War and Peace",
  pages: 1440,
  language: "Russian"
{ title: "Atlas Shrugged",
  pages: 1088,
  language: "English"


Including and excluding fields

{ _id: 375,
  title: "The Great Gatsby",
  ISBN: "9781857150193",
  available: true,
  pages: 218,
  chapters: 9,
  subjects: [
    "Long Island",
    "New York",
  language: "English"
{ $project: {
  _id: 0,
  title: 1,
  language: 1
{ title: "The Great Gatsby",
  language: "English"


Renaming and computing fields

{ _id: 375,
  title: "The Great Gatsby",
  ISBN: "9781857150193",
  available: true,
  pages: 218,
  chapters: 9,
  subjects: [
    "Long Island",
    "New York",
  language: "English"
{ $project: {
  avgPagesPerChapter: {
    $divide: [
  lang: "$language"
{ _id: 375,
  avgPagesPerChapter: 24.22222222222222,
  lang: "English"


Creating and extracting sub-document fields

{ _id: 375,
  title: "The Great Gatsby",
  ISBN: "9781857150193",
  available: true,
  pages: 218,
  chapters: 9,
  subjects: [
    "Long Island",
    "New York",
  publisher: {
    city: "London",
    name: "Random House"
{ $project: {
  title: 1,
  stats: {
    pages: "$pages",
    chapters: "$chapters",
  pub_city: "$publisher.city"
{ _id: 375,
  title: "The Great Gatsby",
  stats: {
    pages: 218,
    language: "English"
  pub_city: "London"


Calculating an average

{ title: "The Great Gatsby",
  pages: 218,
  language: "English"
{ title: "War and Peace",
  pages: 1440,
  language: "Russian"
{ title: "Atlas Shrugged",
  pages: 1088,
  language: "English"
{ $group: {
  _id: "$language",
  avgPages: { $avg: "$pages" }
{ _id: "Russian",
  avgPages: 1440
{ _id: "English",
  avgPages: 653


Summating fields and counting

{ title: "The Great Gatsby",
  pages: 218,
  language: "English"
{ title: "War and Peace",
  pages: 1440,
  language: "Russian"
{ title: "Atlas Shrugged",
  pages: 1088,
  language: "English"
{ $group: {
  _id: "$language",
  numTitles: { $sum: 1 },
  sumPages: { $sum: "$pages" }
{ _id: "Russian",
  numTitles: 1,
  sumPages: 1440
{ _id: "English",
  numTitles: 2,
  sumPages: 1306


Collecting distinct values

{ title: "The Great Gatsby",
  pages: 218,
  language: "English"
{ title: "War and Peace",
  pages: 1440,
  language: "Russian"
{ title: "Atlas Shrugged",
  pages: 1088,
  language: "English"
{ $group: {
  _id: "$language",
  titles: { $addToSet: "$title" }
{ _id: "Russian",
  titles: [ "War and Peace" ]
{ _id: "English",
  titles: [
    "Atlas Shrugged",
    "The Great Gatsby"


Yielding multiple documents from one

{ _id: 375,
  title: "The Great Gatsby",
  subjects: [
    "Long Island",
    "New York",
{ $unwind: "$subjects" }
{ _id: 375,
  title: "The Great Gatsby",
  subjects: "Long Island"
{ _id: 375,
  title: "The Great Gatsby",
  subjects: "New York"
{ _id: 375,
  title: "The Great Gatsby",
  subjects: "1920s"


Sort all documents in the pipeline

{ title: "The Great Gatsby" }
{ title: "Brave New World" }
{ title: "The Grapes of Wrath" }
{ title: "Animal Farm" }
{ title: "Lord of the Flies" }
{ title: "Fathers and Sons" }
{ title: "Invisible Man" }
{ title: "Fahrenheit 451" }
{ $sort: { title: 1 }}
{ title: "Animal Farm" }
{ title: "Brave New World" }
{ title: "Fahrenheit 451" }
{ title: "Fathers and Sons" }
{ title: "Invisible Man" }
{ title: "Lord of the Flies" }
{ title: "The Grapes of Wrath" }
{ title: "The Great Gatsby" }


Limit documents through the pipeline

{ title: "Animal Farm" }
{ title: "Brave New World" }
{ title: "Fahrenheit 451" }
{ title: "Fathers and Sons" }
{ title: "Invisible Man" }
{ title: "Lord of the Flies" }
{ title: "The Grapes of Wrath" }
{ title: "The Great Gatsby" }
{ $limit: 5 }
{ title: "Animal Farm" }
{ title: "Brave New World" }
{ title: "Fahrenheit 451" }
{ title: "Fathers and Sons" }
{ title: "Invisible Man" }


Skip over documents in the pipeline

{ title: "Animal Farm" }
{ title: "Brave New World" }
{ title: "Fahrenheit 451" }
{ title: "Fathers and Sons" }
{ title: "Invisible Man" }
{ $skip: 2 }
{ title: "Fahrenheit 451" }
{ title: "Fathers and Sons" }
{ title: "Invisible Man" }

Collection Method

  { $sort: { created: 1 }},
  { $unwind: "$subjects" },
  { $group: { _id: "$subjects", n: { $sum: 1 },
              fc: { $first: "$created" } }},
  { $project: { _id: 1, n: 1, fc: { $year: "$fc" }}}
  result: [
    { "_id": "Fantasy", "num": 6, "fc": 2008 },
    { "_id": "Historical", "num": 7, "fc": 2012 },
    { "_id": "World Literature", "n": 2, "fc": 2009 }
    // Other results follow…
  ok: 1

Database Command

db.runCommand({ aggregate: "books", pipeline: [
  { $sort: { created: 1 }},
  { $unwind: "$subjects" },
  { $group: { _id: "$subjects", n: { $sum: 1 },
              fc: { $first: "$created" } }},
  { $project: { _id: 1, n: 1, fc: { $year: "$fc" }}}
  result: [
    { "_id": "Fantasy", "num": 6, "fc": 2008 },
    { "_id": "Historical", "num": 7, "fc": 2012 },
    { "_id": "World Literature", "n": 2, "fc": 2009 }
    // Other results follow…
  ok: 1


  • $match
  • $group1
  • $match
  • $group1
  • $group2
  • $sort
  • $project

Photo Credits